Welcome to the home of Archdiocesan Ministries - previously known as Evangelisation Brisbane.
Same team, same mission, new name!

Parish Leadership Teams

"The parish is not an outdated institution; precisely because it possesses great flexibility it can assume quite different contours depending on the openness and missionary creativity of the pastor and the community"
Evangelii Gaudium n. 28

Our dream is for Parish Leadership Teams who:

Would be driven by the missionary impulse Pope Francis talks about – that is capable of transforming everything in parish for the evangelisation of today’s world.

Don’t just maintain, but inspire, encourage and exhort their parishes to become missionary centres that aren’t declining, aren’t just maintaining, but are growing.

Wouldn’t just talk about their dreams – but get down into the muck of it and actually make them happen too.

Would be teams that embrace their role whole-heartedly – stepping courageously and vulnerably into the team, not settling for behaviour that divides.

Would model how to work effectively in teams, moving through the stages of group development (forming, storming, norming, performing) because the mission is too urgent to stay at a surface level of interaction.

Effectively have clergy and laity would work alongside one another – valuing the gift that each other brings, building authentic relationships and challenging one another, loving one another, encouraging one another in their relationships with God and the call that he has placed on their lives – both collectively and individually.

Will try new things because they know that the risk of doing nothing far outweighs the risk of failure.

Would throw open the doors of their Church and send their parishioners out – to invite others in.

Does this sound like a parish leadership team that you want in your parish?

Archdiocesan Ministries

Common Mistakes Pastors Make
When Creating A Parish Leadership Team

  1.  Trying to be too inclusive and putting too many people on the team.
  2.  Not wanting to hurt someone’s feelings and putting them on the team when they really shouldn’t be on it.
  3.  Having a difficult person on the team because of their functional role alone.
  4.  Putting people on the team who are not committed to excellence and needed change.
  5.  Putting people on the team who are difficult in the hopes that they can win over other difficult people.
  6.  Keeping people on the team who have been in the parish for a long time simply to satisfy long term parishioners.
  7.  Failing to make it clear to team members that they will be held to high standards.
  8.  Allowing team members to present themselves to the parish as power brokers rather than servants.

Drawn from amazingparish.org

Contact The Team




07 3324 3440